Customer Reviews for Drumming System

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"Great Drum Lessons"

Written By: Sarai S.


I have had the Drumming System for about 3 months now and it is a great product because I can already see marked a improvement in my playing. The Drumming System comes in two versions; The DVD version which comes with physical copies of the lessons along with workbooks, and the online version which has all lessons online and the workbooks in pdf format. I happen to have the online version and I absolutely love it because I have access to it anywhere. I bought the drumming system because I got tired of searching YouTube for random drum lessons with no guarantee that any of them would work or have anything explained clearly to me. Not only are the lessons clear and precise, but nearly every lesson is accompanied by a play along so that I have the opportunity to practice what I just learned. My favorite sections would have to be hand techniques and developing speed on my drum kit. For the hand technique Mike shows you various ways to hold your sticks so that you can maximize speed and control when playing. The speed development section gives you tips on how you can develop speed around the kit while maintaining control and accuracy. The only thing that I don't like are the abbreviated jazz and latin sections, but I guess that they are just introductions to those styles so that you would be forced to go out and purchase his latin and jazz DVDs. Outside of having drum teacher, this is one of the best ways to learn how to play drums.

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